1967 Camaro Vehicle Identification Number Plate

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1967 VIN Breakdown
© CamaroWorld
1968 VIN Breakdown
© CamaroWorld
1969 VIN Breakdown

1967 VIN Breakdown

Do not confuse the Vehicle Identification Number plate information with that found on the Fisher Body Number Plate aka (trim tag). The series depiction on the VIN  plate does NOT have the meaning as the Fisher Body unit number plate.

The Vehicle Identification Number plate (VIN) has similar information to the trim tag such as the model, year, and assembly plant. One difference is the last six numbers relating to the assembly plant sequence as opposed to the trim tag's Fisher Body sequence and the series will designate a 6-cyl (odd third digit) or V8 (even third digit) on the VIN plate where the 3rd digit on the trim tag does not.

A typical 1967 Camaro VIN might read: 124377N101265 being a V8 2-door sport coupe assembled in Norwood, Ohio whereas a VIN of 12337N101265 being a 6-cylinder 2-door sport coupe assembled in Norwood, Ohio. DD on the VIN plate was initially to be used by dealers for "Delivery Date" but few were stamped. Why more were not stamped is simply speculation. Maybe dealers simply opted to not stamp it since the dealer paperwork would show delivery date or maybe they found their new car prep personnel were stamping them too hard and damaging them. Whatever the reason, few were stamped as should not be a concern. The VIN plate was riveted to the A-pillar on the driver side with unique 'rosette' rivets.

See VIN plate examples here

First Digit: Division of General Motors
1 - Chevrolet

Second and Third Digit: Series Designation
23 - Camaro, 6-cylinder
24 - Camaro, 8-cylinder

Fourth and Fifth Digit: Body Style/Model
37 - 2-door coupe
67 - 2-door convertible

Sixth Digit: Year of Production
7 - 1967

Seventh Character (Alpha or Numeric Designation):
Final Assembly Plant
L ~ Los Angeles, California
N ~ Norwood, Ohio

Eighth through Thirteenth Digits: Sequential Production Number
The sequential starting number for the 1967 Camaro was 100001 at both U.S. Camaro assembly plants. Each assembly plant sequenced Camaro s of all series/models without regard to specific series/models. For example, if a series 12337 6-cylinder sport coupe followed a 12467 convertible, the sequence number would be one unit higher for the sport coupe. It's also entirely possible to have the same style/model & sequence number from both 1967 U.S. assembly plants with the only difference between the VINs being the plant code.

VIN plate location

The 1967 VIN plate in located just inside the driver door on the A-pillar.


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